My name is Ian Christopher D. Ulep. I am currently working towards a bachelor's degree in Biological Sciences. Upon entering Old Dominion University, my intended career path was Dentistry. In March 2016, I decided to change career paths to Higher Education & Student Affairs.
Throughout college, I've fell in love with Student Affairs work. During my freshman and sophomore years, I led Relay For Life at Old Dominion University. Beginning after my freshman year, I've served as a Preview Counselor, Resident Assistant, and mentor for various extracurricular programs. This semester I've begun working as a student intern for Old Dominion's International Initiatives.
In the upcoming Fall Semester, I will be serving as a Graduate Hall Director at Rutgers University, while pursuing a Master's in Student Affairs. Afterwards, I plan to work in areas with high concentrations of Asian-Pacific Islander Students. One day, I hope to attain a PhD and to serve as a Dean of Students.
"In my opinion, Ian’s eager and active participation in all lecture and lab activities significantly improved the learning experience. His performance and demeanor throughout this challenging course were exemplary."
- Douglas Mills, Ph.D
"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us."
J.R.R. Tolkein
My next research focus will be geared towards the Internationalization of college campuses, as this focus area evolves with an increasing need for global and cultural competence.