Identifying and Addressing Oral Cancer
for BIOL 405W (click here to view Research Review Paper)
The awareness of oral cancers is a relatively weak point of knowledge for both the general public as well as many current medical practitioners. A major result of this insufficient knowledge is a delay in diagnosis for oral cancers. The delay is a combination of patient and provider delay, postponing the actual treatment of oral cancers. Historically, the scientific terminology of oral cancers may have played a role in the lack of public awareness as well as, in current medical professionals. There are a number of common risk factors associated with oral cancers beyond smoking that many people do not realize. These unrecognized risk factors are included in the daily habits of many demographics, without the knowledge of how these habits can impact one’s oral and overall health. Stemming from these risk factors, some patients may be embarrassed to admit their habits, while some practitioners may be reluctant to potentially embarrass them. There are many ways to improve screening to increase the probability of detecting oral cancers. This includes encouraging patients to actually schedule a dentist appointment. Additional methods to increase patient awareness include: advocacy events, utilizing mass media, and better educating current and future health care professionals. Other effective methods to improve patient awareness are also under investigation.
Projects List
The Rise of Zika in the 2010's
for BIOL 315 (click here to view Short Research Review Paper)
Over the past decade, Zika has caused global unrest, affecting peoples mainly across the Pacific, and the Americas. In recent years, the main vector has been mosquitoes, allowing for the proliferation of this disease. Before 2007, this virus went broadly unstudied due to its asymptomatic nature. Once it caused outbreaks in Brazil, and French Cambodia, high rates of microcephaly have also been recorded. Symptoms in adults present mildly, while symptoms in neonatal development are more severe. There are no confirmed or commercial treatments for ZIKV, although this area is under heavy investigation.
This page highlights my projects throughout my senior year.
Modern Internationalization of Colleges & Universities
for NASPA Undergraduate Fellowship Program (click here to view Project)
“Internationalization is the process of integrating an international or intercultural dimension into the teaching, research, and service functions of a higher education institution” - Jane Knight, Ph.D.