Blog Post 1

The easiest part of beginning this account was finding a satisfactory template and filling in the needed information. Using the rubric facilitated the general formatting of this website. I’ve used Wix before and was initially comfortable using this website editor. The most challenging part of this was the specific page formatting in reference to my internet browsers. I had to be very patient in editing each part, due to this website slowing down my computer. I was initially comfortable using Wix, however this time around was very tedious. I am excited to build this ePortfolio over this semester. I am currently pursuing graduate schools and am in need of additional professional development. With modern technology trends, I will need to become more comfortable using paper resume alternatives (i.e. CVs and ePortfolios). I am unsure if I need to separate the Welcome page and About Me page of this ePortfolio, since my header is persistent throughout my ePortfolio.